CELROOT for eco-friendly plating

- CELROOT is the new ABS alloy for eco-friendly metal plating, which Daicel Miraizu has developed.
- Combining with CRP plating process developed by OKUNO Chemical, metal plating without Chromic acid etching is possible.
- Eco-friendly, completely Cr6+ -free, metal plating is also possible.
The Cr6+-free metal plating process with CELROOT.
Swell the PA phase to facilitate the permeation of catalyst
Pd-catalyst permeate the moldings
( use the catalysts system of OKUNO Chem.Ind. )
Ni-particles deposit inside the moldings and grow like roots, hold the metal layer tight.
Applying Hexavalent Chromium free passivates makes the entire process Hexavalent Chromium free.